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Kendo Scheduler, closing event reset data

I'm trying to create a scheduler with Kendo. But I meet some bugs.

And the biggest is the following.

When I want to edit a task, I can change all values if I validate my modification, it changes the datasource correctly. Then, if I open it again, all data appears properly. BUT if I click on the cancel event ( the cross button or the cancel button ), the datasource of the current item come back to initial value and ignore the modifications I made before.

I tried a lot of solutions, even while removing all of my code, but the problem was still here. I tried to use the preventDefault function while closing, and hiding myself the widget, but the problem remains.

If anyone can help me, would be great :)

Sorry for my bad English, Thanks for reading !

screen scheduler

screen scheduler editing task


  • I resolve my problem with the following solution.

    I was needing an Update function, because it wasn't updating pristine datas when I was saving something (it was saving only in my I tried to use dataSource.sync() instead of it, but it didn't work.

    If someone have a similar problem, be carreful about pristine datas and all would be fine ;)

    There is the update function (the easier you can make) :

    public ActionResult UpdateTachesScheduler([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, [Bind(Prefix = "models")]IEnumerable<PlanningModel> model)
            return Json(model.ToDataSourceResult(request, ModelState));