Is there a way to build a view modifier that applies custom font and fontSize, as the below working example, and have in the same modifier the possibility to add kerning as well?
struct labelTextModifier: ViewModifier {
var fontSize: CGFloat
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.font(.custom(Constants.defaultLabelFontSFProDisplayThin, size: fontSize))
extension View {
func applyLabelFont(size: CGFloat) -> some View {
return self.modifier(labelTextModifier(fontSize: size))
The above works well, however i cannot figure it out how to add kerning to the modifier as well
, but did not work.
Alternate is to use Text-only modifier, like
extension Text {
func applyLabelFont(size: CGFloat, kerning: CGFloat = 4) -> Text {
.font(.custom(Constants.defaultLabelFontSFProDisplayThin, size: size))