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Apache Velocity 2.0 how to write a custom resource loader?

There is a ResourceLoader class in the API documentation:

I would like to implement my own loader, because I need to load templates from a database, but in a context sensitive way (in other words: DataSourceResourceLoader cannot be used, I need to write custom code to select the "right" template from the database).

It seems that ResourceLoader has some abstract methods, and it also seems that I would be able to write a custom loader by implementing these abstract methods. But I don't see any way to add a new loader to the engine. There is no "addResourceLoader" method. The documentation only shows how to configure the loaders that are built into Velocity:

The main question: how to I add a custom resource loader to VelocityEngine (or VelocityContext?)

Another side question: I would like to turn off all built-in loaders. Especially WebappResourceLoader which is active by default, and represents a security risk in my particular application. How to do that?


  • You must first implement the ResourceLoader interface (or subclass an existing resource loader), then declare your resource loader in

    resource.loader = .... , my_loader, ...
    my_loader.resource.loader.class =
    my_loader.resource.loader.some_property = some_value
    ... other properties...

    Please note that the configuration properties syntax changed a bit in version 2.1. While the old syntax still works, if you want to avoid deprecation warnings in the log, it's rather:

    resource.loaders = .... , my_loader, ...
    resource.loader.my_loader.class =
    resource.loader.m_loader.some_property = some_value
    ... other properties...

    The has ResourceLoader interface has four abstract methods that you need to provide:

    • void init(ExtProperties configuration) where the configuration object contains some_property -> some_value properties pair
    • long getLastModified(Resource resource) which returns the number of seconds since a resource has been modified
    • Reader getResourceReader(String source, String encoding) to get the actual content of thre resource
    • boolean isSourceModified(Resource resource)