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Using Lua "require" from inside a zip using physfs

When using physfs, loading and running a lua script is easy enough by using luaL_dostring and reading the file in myself, but when it comes to using "require", it obviously has trouble.

Has anyone dealt with this problem? Do I need to.... re-write part of lua? I'd really prefer to not do that!


Update, this is how I got it to work

static int MyLoader(lua_State *L)
    const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
    std::string s = name;
    std::replace( s.begin(), s.end(), '.', '/'); // replace all '.' to '/'
    s += ".lua"; // apend .lua
    File moduleFile = FileManager::ReadFile(s.c_str());
    if( luaL_loadbuffer(L,, moduleFile.fileLength, name) ) {
        lua_pop(L, 1);
    return 1;

and then after creating the lua state...

lua_register(L, "my_loader", MyLoader);
const char* str = "table.insert(package.searchers, 2, my_loader) \n";
luaL_dostring(L, str);


  • The package.searchers table contains a list of loader functions for require.

    If you want require to load files from a zip file, you will need to add a function that inspects the zip file. If the path exists in the zipfile, extract it to a memory buffer and call luaL_loadbuffer and checkload, like searcher_Lua does.