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How to POST a List as Body in Retrofit 2.6

Already searched a lot but couldn't find an appropriate answer. I have the following JSON. I understand this is a List object. How do I send a POST request as @Body in retrofit 2? Also, what is the POJO that I need to have to get a successful response from the API.

Please note that I have looked into all JSONObject based solutions. I am looking only for POJO based solutions where List/fields are sent as constructors.



  • The way I resolved this is by creating two model classes, ringList and ring. Similar to Ionut's answer, the ringList class contained List with setter. The ring model class contained all the 5 fields with getters and setters. In the calling method had the code that created object of ring class passing all 5 parameters and creating a list of it by writing List<ring> temp = new ArrayList<>();. temp.add(object_of_ring);. Creating object of ringList class and passing ring either as constructer or setter worked.