I have list of strings, where each string consists of letters separated by the character ',' (comma). I want to go through the list of strings, split on comma, and calculate how many times each letter occurs, and store the result in a Multiset. Blank strings should be ignored, and the split parts should be trimmed. The multiset should be sorted on key.
The below code works, i.e., it produces the desired Multiset. However, I couldn't figure out how to use the proper collector method (Multisets.toMultiset()), so resorted to a two-step solution, using a temporary list variable, which I would like to eliminate.
I would appreciate if someone can show me how I should have constructed the call to Multisets.toMultiset() in the collect-step. I got stuck on defining the element function and the supplier function, I couldn't even make code that compiled...
public void testIt() {
List<String> temp = Stream.of("b, c", "a", " ", "a, c")
.map(val -> val.split(","))
Multiset<String> multiset = ImmutableSortedMultiset.copyOf(temp);
System.out.println("As list: " + temp);
System.out.println("As multiset: " + multiset);
// Output is:
// As list: [b, c, a, a, c]
// As multiset: [a x 2, b, c x 2]
I'm using Guava 28.1. Also used in the example above is the StringUtils class from commons-lang3, version 3.9
This is a simplified example from the real scenario, but one that still captures the essence of my problem
If you really want to ommit the second copy stage, there are several ways to achieve this:
There is already an ImmatbleSortedMultiset
Collector specified
Since you were asking how to do it with MultiSets::toMultiset
.collect(Multisets.toMultiset(Function.identity(), i -> 1, TreeMultiset::create));
Or you can perfectly add your own Collector implementation using the Builder
(b1, b2) -> {b1.addAll(b2.build()); return b1;},