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InfersifyJS - how to conditionally load constantValue

I am using inversifyJS in my typescript + NODE.js application. I have for different environments different configurations:

Configuration production

const CONFIG_PRODUCTION: Object = {
    PATH_TO_STATIC_FILES: '../web/build',
    SECURE_COOKIE: false

export default CONFIG_PRODUCTION;

Configuration development

const CONFIG_DEVELOPMENT: Object = {
    PATH_TO_STATIC_FILES: 'build/web/build',

export default CONFIG_DEVELOPMENT;

Now on my infersify container configuration my setup looks like this:

Inversify configuration

const dependencyContainer = new Container();
    (context: interfaces.Context) => context ? CONFIG_PRODUCTION : CONFIG_DEVELOPMENT);

export default dependencyContainer;

Now where can I decide how to load the needed config object? In my class I currently inject the property like this:

Express file

    @inject(TYPES.ENVIRONMENTAL_CONFIG) private config: Object
) {
    console.log(config) // prints development config

Does inversify provide something like a setContext() function?


  • I came up with to solution to bind the property with the toFactory method on the dependency container:

        () => (context: interfaces.Context) => context ? CONFIG_PRODUCTION : CONFIG_DEVELOPMENT);

    after that I inject the Factory as Function in my used class:

    constructor(@inject(TYPES.ENVIRONMENTAL_CONFIG) private environmentFactory: Function) {
        this.environmentalProps = this.environmentFactory(isProduction);