I tried to make a copy of a 2 dimensional array using the splicing operator. Intuitivelly, it feels like if I do this:
L = [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
M = L[:][:]
then M
would be a cloned copy of every nested element in L
. So I could change items in M[0]
without changing L
M[1] = [3, 4]
M[0][1] = 2
But when I do this:
#returns [[5,2],[7,8]]
What is actually going on in Python's memory when I performed the [:][:]
Just makes a copy of the list on the left side of the operator [:]
does copy of copy
. You can do M = L[:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:]
and it works the same way :D
To make a copy of nested lists as well you should do it like M = [x[:] for x in L[:]]
Then M would be a cloned copy of every nested element in L. It is not true because L[:][:]
is the same as (L[:])[:]
it is a copy of the copy of the original list.
M[1] = [3, 4]
here you modify the second item of the COPY
But here M[0][1] = 2
you are modifying an item of the original nested array since [:]
doesn't do any copy operations on nested lists and the copied original list item was not "simple".