Ok since my of my issues have been resolved,I was flying through the code, until now: I've now run into one I cant even find anything on Google for it. Here's the text of the error:
Error 3004: Problem in mapping
fragments starting at line 937:No mapping specified for properties StoreItem.ItemPrice in Set StoreItems. An Entity with Key (PK) will not round-trip when: Entity is type [psychoco_GodsCreationTaxidermyModel.StoreItem] F:\Projects\GodsCreationTaxidermySVN\GodsCreationTaxidermy.Data\GCTEntities.edmx 938 945 GodsCreationTaxidermy.Data
Of you need any code samples let me know
The error means that your table imported to the model contains additional column ItemPrice
which is not mapped to your entity.