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iOS 12 error swift_getAssociatedTypeWitnessSlowImpl EXC_BAD_ACCESS in assembly code

I'm writing a project in Combine and SwiftUI with backward compatibility for iOS 12/11 with RxSwift, RxCocoa and UIKit. My project is based on a lot of protocols, associated types and generics. When I'm running the project on iOS 13 it works fine but on iOS 12 the app suddenly crash.

I'm trying a Redux architecture with some changes. I have reducers, actions (as enums), stores and store providers (a store provider is intended to instantiate two stores: rxstore and a combinestore . (i know it's not the best way to do that but I would like to understand why the bug occurs).

Also I have a so called ReduxArchiver and a ReduxArchiverElement. This one (ReduxArchiver) is like a listener or a delegate intended to handle and save redux store changes. (also I know it's not the best solution). When a store have a new state the ReduxArchiver handle the change, modify data as needed and decide to save or not the state on disk. Archiver is also intended to load app states from disk when a store is instantiated.

The error is Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x10) and appears when I'm instantiating an object of ReduxArchiver type. It happens because of the instantiation of ReduxArchiverElement<T: Codable> array (see the code below or here: )

Sometimes it appears in console:

libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:890: MGIsDeviceOneOfType is not supported
 on this platform.

I don't know if it's my fault or just a swift bug because of too many associated types/generics in the project.

I have both combine and swiftui linked as weak frameworks so there is no problem with missing SwiftUI/Combine.

Also my frameworks and libraries are embedded in target settings as Embed & Sign.

The actual error:

Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x10)

When I'm doing po $arg1:

// On #0    0x0000000108f6a93f in swift_getWitnessTable ():
(lldb) po $arg1

// On #16   0x0000000108f6b308 in swift_getAssociatedTypeWitness ():
(lldb) po $arg1
error: Couldn't materialize: couldn't read the value of register rdi
error: errored out in DoExecute, couldn't PrepareToExecuteJITExpression

When I'm examinating the $rdi:

//Xcode: 11.2
(lldb) register read
General Purpose Registers:
       rbx = 0x000000010ff7bdb8  libswiftCore.dylib`InitialAllocationPool + 4304
       rbp = 0x00007ffee39a3990
       rsp = 0x00007ffee39a3960
       r12 = 0x000000010cc69448  Models`protocol requirements base descriptor for Redux.Reducer
       r13 = 0x00000000000000ff
       r14 = 0x000000010cc69478  Models`associated type descriptor for StateType
       r15 = 0x000000010d1ba718  type metadata for Reducers.ExampleReducer
       rip = 0x000000010fea2308  libswiftCore.dylib`swift_getAssociatedTypeWitness + 152
13 registers were unavailable.

//Xcode 11.1
(lldb) register read --all 
General Purpose Registers:
       rax = 0x0000000000000000
       rbx = 0x0000000105d1db74  Models`protocol conformance descriptor for Models.ExampleModel : Swift.Identifiable in Models + 16
       rcx = 0x0000000000000000
       rdx = 0x0000000000030000
       rdi = 0x0000000000000000
       rsi = 0x0000000105d1db78  Models`protocol conformance descriptor for Models.ExampleModel : Swift.Identifiable in Models + 20
       rbp = 0x00007ffeea8fa960
       rsp = 0x00007ffeea8fa8d0
        r8 = 0x0000000000000000
        r9 = 0x0000000105d1db50  Models`protocol conformance descriptor for Models.ExampleModel : Swift.Encodable in Models + 20
       r10 = 0x0000000108fc10a4  libswiftCore.dylib`method descriptor for Swift.Encodable.encode(to: Swift.Encoder) throws -> ()
       r11 = 0x0000000000000001
       r12 = 0x0000000105d9c3b0  Models`__unnamed_24
       r13 = 0x0000000000000000
       r14 = 0x0000000105d1db74  Models`protocol conformance descriptor for Models.ExampleModel : Swift.Identifiable in Models + 16
       r15 = 0x0000000105d1db64  Models`protocol conformance descriptor for Models.ExampleModel : Swift.Identifiable in Models
       rip = 0x0000000108f6a93f  libswiftCore.dylib`swift_getWitnessTable + 447
    rflags = 0x0000000000000247
        cs = 0x000000000000002b
        fs = 0x0000000000000000

Instantiation of the object:

// In AppDelegate (as property):
// ...

let state =

// The Build Method from ExampleStoreBuilder

let archiveListeners = [GenericReduxArchiverLogger("example_archiver")]
        var listeners: [ReduceStoreOutputDelegate] = [GenericReduxStoreLogger("example_logger")]
ERROR>> let defaultStoreArchiver = ExampleArchiver<ExampleRxStore>(outputDelegates: archiveListeners) <<<< Error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS

        listeners.append(contentsOf: archiveListeners)
        if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
            listeners.append(ExampleArchiver<ExampleCombineStore>(outputDelegates: archiveListeners))

        let reducer =
        let initialState = defaultStoreArchiver.statesHistory.last?.state ?? .emptyState
        return ReduxState<ExampleStoreProvider<ExampleReducer>>(initialState,
                                                              reducedBy: reducer,
                                                              outputDelegates: listeners)

The EXC_BAD_ACCESS from let defaultStoreArchiver is located in ExampleArchiver on the line:

public var statesHistory = [ReduxArchiveElement<StoreType.ReducerType.StateType>]()

ReduxArchiverElement is defined as:

public struct ReduxArchiveElement<T: Codable>: Codable {
    public let date: Date
    public let state: T

    public init(date: Date, state: T) { = date
        self.state = state

finally the StoreType and Reducer are defined as:

// ReduceStoreInitializable protocol
public protocol ReduceStoreInitializable {
    associatedtype ReducerType: Reducer

// Store:
public protocol ReduceStore: class, ReduceStoreInitializable {
    var reducer: ReducerType! { get set }

// Reducer:
public protocol Reducer: class {
    associatedtype ActionType
    associatedtype ItemType: Codable
    associatedtype StateType: Codable
    associatedtype ErrorType: Error

About the actual error the stack looks like:

Thread 1 Queue : (serial)

* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x10)
    frame #0: 0x00000001063746e4 libswiftCore.dylib`swift_getWitnessTable + 392
    frame #1: 0x0000000105802e38 Models`lazy protocol witness table accessor for type ExampleModel and conformance ExampleModel at <compiler-generated>:0
    frame #2: 0x0000000105802cf4 Models`instantiation function for generic protocol witness table for ExampleModel at <compiler-generated>:0
    frame #3: 0x0000000106374c08 libswiftCore.dylib`swift_getWitnessTable + 1708
    frame #4: 0x0000000106385ee8 libswiftCore.dylib`swift::TargetProtocolConformanceDescriptor<swift::InProcess>::getWitnessTable(swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*) const + 496
    frame #5: 0x0000000105112fd8 ExampleApp-SwiftUI`swift::swift50override_conformsToProtocol(swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, swift::TargetProtocolDescriptor<swift::InProcess> const*, swift::TargetWitnessTable<swift::InProcess> const* (*)(swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, swift::TargetProtocolDescriptor<swift::InProcess> const*)) + 60
    frame #6: 0x00000001063607fc libswiftCore.dylib`swift::_conformsToProtocol(swift::OpaqueValue const*, swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, swift::TargetProtocolDescriptorRef<swift::InProcess>, swift::TargetWitnessTable<swift::InProcess> const**) + 44
    frame #7: 0x00000001063863b0 libswiftCore.dylib`swift::_checkGenericRequirements(llvm::ArrayRef<swift::TargetGenericRequirementDescriptor<swift::InProcess> >, std::__1::vector<void const*, std::__1::allocator<void const*> >&, std::__1::function<swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const* (unsigned int, unsigned int)>, std::__1::function<swift::TargetWitnessTable<swift::InProcess> const* (swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, unsigned int)>) + 1160
    frame #8: 0x0000000106383410 libswiftCore.dylib`(anonymous namespace)::DecodedMetadataBuilder::createBoundGenericType(swift::TargetContextDescriptor<swift::InProcess> const*, llvm::ArrayRef<swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*>, swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*) const + 576
    frame #9: 0x0000000106382ac4 libswiftCore.dylib`swift::Demangle::TypeDecoder<(anonymous namespace)::DecodedMetadataBuilder>::decodeMangledType(swift::Demangle::Node* const&) + 2832
    frame #10: 0x0000000106382100 libswiftCore.dylib`swift::Demangle::TypeDecoder<(anonymous namespace)::DecodedMetadataBuilder>::decodeMangledType(swift::Demangle::Node* const&) + 332
    frame #11: 0x00000001063819e8 libswiftCore.dylib`swift_getTypeByMangledNodeImpl(swift::MetadataRequest, swift::Demangle::Demangler&, swift::Demangle::Node*, std::__1::function<swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const* (unsigned int, unsigned int)>, std::__1::function<swift::TargetWitnessTable<swift::InProcess> const* (swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, unsigned int)>) + 460
    frame #12: 0x00000001063817a8 libswiftCore.dylib`swift::swift_getTypeByMangledNode(swift::MetadataRequest, swift::Demangle::Demangler&, swift::Demangle::Node*, std::__1::function<swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const* (unsigned int, unsigned int)>, std::__1::function<swift::TargetWitnessTable<swift::InProcess> const* (swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, unsigned int)>) + 520
    frame #13: 0x0000000106381d18 libswiftCore.dylib`swift_getTypeByMangledNameImpl(swift::MetadataRequest, llvm::StringRef, std::__1::function<swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const* (unsigned int, unsigned int)>, std::__1::function<swift::TargetWitnessTable<swift::InProcess> const* (swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, unsigned int)>) + 648
    frame #14: 0x0000000106380110 libswiftCore.dylib`swift::swift_getTypeByMangledName(swift::MetadataRequest, llvm::StringRef, std::__1::function<swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const* (unsigned int, unsigned int)>, std::__1::function<swift::TargetWitnessTable<swift::InProcess> const* (swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, unsigned int)>) + 520
    frame #15: 0x0000000106376a6c libswiftCore.dylib`swift_getAssociatedTypeWitnessSlowImpl(swift::MetadataRequest, swift::TargetWitnessTable<swift::InProcess>*, swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, swift::TargetProtocolRequirement<swift::InProcess> const*, swift::TargetProtocolRequirement<swift::InProcess> const*) + 492
    frame #16: 0x0000000106375018 libswiftCore.dylib`swift_getAssociatedTypeWitness + 176
    frame #17: 0x00000001056df53c Stores`ExampleArchiver.init(storeLocation=nil, outputDelegates=1 value, self=0x00000001c0463840) at ExampleArchiver.swift:18:85
    frame #18: 0x00000001056df38c Stores`ExampleArchiver.__allocating_init(storeLocation:outputDelegates:) at ExampleArchiver.swift:0
    frame #19: 0x00000001056ebc48 Stores`static at ExampleStoreBuilder.swift:23:64
    frame #20: 0x0000000105000d20 ExampleApp-SwiftUI`AppDelegate.init() at AppDelegate.swift:17:36
    frame #21: 0x0000000105000e28 ExampleApp-SwiftUI`@objc AppDelegate.init() at <compiler-generated>:0
    frame #22: 0x000000018e4a8a00 UIKit`_UIApplicationMainPreparations + 1688
    frame #23: 0x000000018e39d724 UIKit`UIApplicationMain + 184
    frame #24: 0x0000000105001404 ExampleApp-SwiftUI`main at AppDelegate.swift:14:7
  * frame #25: 0x0000000183e11fc0 libdyld.dylib`start + 4

for #16 0x0000000106375018 in swift_getAssociatedTypeWitness () the actual assembly looks like:

    0x106374f68 <+0>:   stp    x24, x23, [sp, #-0x40]!
    0x106374f6c <+4>:   stp    x22, x21, [sp, #0x10]
    0x106374f70 <+8>:   stp    x20, x19, [sp, #0x20]
    0x106374f74 <+12>:  stp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x30]
    0x106374f78 <+16>:  add    x29, sp, #0x30            ; =0x30 
    0x106374f7c <+20>:  mov    x23, x0
    0x106374f80 <+24>:  sub    x8, x4, x3
    0x106374f84 <+28>:  lsr    x8, x8, #3
    0x106374f88 <+32>:  ldr    x0, [x1, w8, uxtw #3]
    0x106374f8c <+36>:  tbnz   w0, #0x0, 0x106374fa8     ; <+64>
    0x106374f90 <+40>:  mov    x1, #0x0
    0x106374f94 <+44>:  ldp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x30]
    0x106374f98 <+48>:  ldp    x20, x19, [sp, #0x20]
    0x106374f9c <+52>:  ldp    x22, x21, [sp, #0x10]
    0x106374fa0 <+56>:  ldp    x24, x23, [sp], #0x40
    0x106374fa4 <+60>:  ret    
    0x106374fa8 <+64>:  mov    x19, x4
    0x106374fac <+68>:  mov    x20, x3
    0x106374fb0 <+72>:  mov    x21, x2
    0x106374fb4 <+76>:  mov    x22, x1
    0x106374fb8 <+80>:  adr    x0, #0xcd130              ; swift_getAssociatedTypeWitnessSlow::Predicate
    0x106374fbc <+84>:  nop    
    0x106374fc0 <+88>:  adr    x1, #0x3690               ; swift_getAssociatedTypeWitnessSlow::$_8::__invoke(void*)
    0x106374fc4 <+92>:  nop    
    0x106374fc8 <+96>:  mov    x2, #0x0
    0x106374fcc <+100>: bl     0x106385ad4               ; swift_once
    0x106374fd0 <+104>: nop    
    0x106374fd4 <+108>: ldr    x8, #0xcd10c              ; swift_getAssociatedTypeWitnessSlow::Override
    0x106374fd8 <+112>: cbz    x8, 0x106375000           ; <+152>
    0x106374fdc <+116>: adr    x5, #0x18a4               ; swift_getAssociatedTypeWitnessSlowImpl(swift::MetadataRequest, swift::TargetWitnessTable<swift::InProcess>*, swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, swift::TargetProtocolRequirement<swift::InProcess> const*, swift::TargetProtocolRequirement<swift::InProcess> const*)
    0x106374fe0 <+120>: nop    
    0x106374fe4 <+124>: mov    x0, x23
    0x106374fe8 <+128>: mov    x1, x22
    0x106374fec <+132>: mov    x2, x21
    0x106374ff0 <+136>: mov    x3, x20
    0x106374ff4 <+140>: mov    x4, x19
    0x106374ff8 <+144>: blr    x8
    0x106374ffc <+148>: b      0x106374f94               ; <+44>
    0x106375000 <+152>: mov    x0, x23
    0x106375004 <+156>: mov    x1, x22
    0x106375008 <+160>: mov    x2, x21
    0x10637500c <+164>: mov    x3, x20
    0x106375010 <+168>: mov    x4, x19
    0x106375014 <+172>: bl     0x106376880               ; swift_getAssociatedTypeWitnessSlowImpl(swift::MetadataRequest, swift::TargetWitnessTable<swift::InProcess>*, swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, swift::TargetProtocolRequirement<swift::InProcess> const*, swift::TargetProtocolRequirement<swift::InProcess> const*)
->  0x106375018 <+176>: b      0x106374f94               ; <+44>    <<< Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x10)

also for #0 0x00000001063746e4 in swift_getWitnessTable () the asm looks like:

    0x106374660 <+260>:  adr    x26, #0xb57a0             ; AllocationPool
    0x106374664 <+264>:  nop    
    0x106374668 <+268>:  str    x21, [sp, #0x30]
    0x10637466c <+272>:  ldar   x24, [x28]
    0x106374670 <+276>:  cbnz   x24, 0x1063747c8          ; <+620>
    0x106374674 <+280>:  b      0x106374688               ; <+300>
    0x106374678 <+284>:  add    x8, x24, #0x8             ; =0x8 
    0x10637467c <+288>:  csel   x28, x24, x8, lo
    0x106374680 <+292>:  ldar   x24, [x28]
    0x106374684 <+296>:  cbnz   x24, 0x1063747c8          ; <+620>
    0x106374688 <+300>:  cbnz   x23, 0x1063747b0          ; <+596>
    0x10637468c <+304>:  ldrsw  x9, [x20]
    0x106374690 <+308>:  cbz    w9, 0x1063746a8           ; <+332>
    0x106374694 <+312>:  and    x8, x9, #0xfffffffffffffffe
    0x106374698 <+316>:  add    x8, x8, x20
    0x10637469c <+320>:  tbz    w9, #0x0, 0x1063746ac     ; <+336>
    0x1063746a0 <+324>:  ldr    x8, [x8]
    0x1063746a4 <+328>:  b      0x1063746ac               ; <+336>
    0x1063746a8 <+332>:  mov    x8, #0x0
    0x1063746ac <+336>:  ldr    w12, [x20, #0xc]
    0x1063746b0 <+340>:  ubfx   x9, x12, #6, #1
    0x1063746b4 <+344>:  add    x10, x21, x9, lsl #2
    0x1063746b8 <+348>:  ubfx   x11, x12, #8, #8
    0x1063746bc <+352>:  madd   x9, x11, x14, x10
    0x1063746c0 <+356>:  ubfx   x13, x12, #16, #1
    0x1063746c4 <+360>:  add    x9, x9, x13, lsl #2
    0x1063746c8 <+364>:  tbnz   w12, #0x10, 0x1063746d4   ; <+376>
    0x1063746cc <+368>:  mov    x10, #0x0
    0x1063746d0 <+372>:  b      0x1063746dc               ; <+384>
    0x1063746d4 <+376>:  mul    x11, x11, x14
    0x1063746d8 <+380>:  ldr    w10, [x10, x11]
    0x1063746dc <+384>:  add    x9, x9, x10, lsl #3
    0x1063746e0 <+388>:  ldrh   w9, [x9, #0x2]
->  0x1063746e4 <+392>:  ldr    w8, [x8, #0x10]   <<< ERROR; I don't understand this line... :(


  • I don't fully understand the root cause of the issue, but I was able to solve this by removing Identifiable conformance on one of my protocols. My deployment target is iOS 10, so in hindsight, I'm unsure why my framework was ever able to compile without @available checks.