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App Store Upload rejection about guideline 4.8, third party logins

I received the message from app store, and I can't understand it correctly

As for the guideline 4.8, your in app login is fine but your “third party logins” like google and Facebook logins do not follow all the three points listed below:

  • The login service limits data collection to the user’s name and email address.
  • The login service allows users to keep their email address private as part of setting up their account.
  • The login service does not track users as they interact with your app.

I have a question to each point.

  • What does ‘the login service limits data collection to the user’s name and email address’ means? I already use only those two data.
  • What does ‘the login service allows users to keep their email address private’ means? My app don’t show users’ email address in public.
  • Does ‘the login service does not track users as they interact with your app.’ means I have to ask users about option not to track them when they’re signing up?

I have sent a same message to app store, what do you mean I have to do. But they repeat the same answer, not answering to my question.


  • The problem was caused by not having Privacy Policy and Terms of Service when doing social login. I added and they passed.