In a website ZoomCharts are integrated and I want to mask the prices in the chart like $99
to $xxx
via content script of chrome extension. But I could not find any numerical value on the chart in the DOM
ZoomCharts is using Canvas to render the chart. To change the label content, you can use styleFunction like this:
however, note that you need to access the chart instance to change the behaviour.
to do that from external script for a chart that is already instantiated, you can do it like this:
let e = document.getElementById("demo"); // set to dom element that contains the chart
let chart = e._DVSL_ChartInstance; // get the chart instance
slice: {
styleFunction: function(slice){
slice.label = "foo";
slice.innerLabel = "bar";
}); // set your own style function as in the above jsfiddle example