I want to define multiple areas in one single Excel.Range
object. The purpose is to colorize multiple different areas by setting one single Range. This should save time using the Excel interop, which is very slow in such operations. The problem is, that I get an error (HRESULT: 0x800A03EC
) when I try to put a "big" address line into the Range. Could somebody tell me if there is a limitation using Excel interop and does anybody have a solution for colorizing lots of areas at once / in a fast manner?
The "big" address line in the example is just to show you where the problem is. I know it does not make a lot of sense to put A1:A2
multiple times into the address.
Dim objExcelApp As New Excel.Application
objExcelApp.Visible = True
Dim objExcelWorkbooks As Excel.Workbooks = objExcelApp.Workbooks
Dim objExcelWB As Excel.Workbook = objExcelWorkbooks.Add
Dim objExcelWS As Excel.Worksheet = objExcelWB.Worksheets(1)
Dim rng As Excel.Range
rng = objExcelWS.Range("A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2;A1:A2")
I found a really fast possibilty in filling a multi-area range with more content in using the Union function in combination with the approach of splitting the address into chunks of 255 char strings. This function does the job very well. This code is with semicolon, because its a country specific seperator it seems (comma is not working in my case, maybe you can modify it). Thanks @K.Dᴀᴠɪs for the hint:
Private Function CombineAddressToRange(ByVal Address As String, ByVal objExcelWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet, ByVal objExcelApp As Excel.Application) As Excel.Range
Dim SplitAddress As String()
Dim TempAddress As String = ""
Dim FinalRange As Excel.Range
SplitAddress = Address.Split(";")
'Initialize Range
FinalRange = objExcelWorksheet.Range(SplitAddress(0))
If UBound(SplitAddress) >= 1 Then
For i = 1 To UBound(SplitAddress)
If Len(TempAddress) + 1 + Len(SplitAddress(i)) > 255 Then
FinalRange = objExcelApp.Union(FinalRange, objExcelWorksheet.Range(TempAddress))
TempAddress = SplitAddress(i)
If TempAddress = "" Then
TempAddress = SplitAddress(i)
TempAddress = TempAddress & ";" & SplitAddress(i)
End If
End If
If TempAddress <> "" Then
FinalRange = objExcelApp.Union(FinalRange, objExcelWorksheet.Range(TempAddress))
End If
End If
Return FinalRange
End Function