I need to make a school project in Oxygen, using the following API: https://potterapi.com/ I wrote a function to get all the necessary JSON data from the API:
let $apikey := fn:doc("potterapi.key")/apikey/string() return map { "characters": fn:json-doc("https://www.potterapi.com/v1/characters?key=" || $apikey), "houses": fn:json-doc("https://www.potterapi.com/v1/houses?key=" || $apikey), "spells": fn:json-doc("https://www.potterapi.com/v1/characters?key=" || $apikey) }
I also made an another xml scheme where I define the apikey, and i need to get the data in json format. Can you please help me with this?
To serialize an XQuery 3.1 map as JSON with XQuery 3.1 you have two options, either use the serialize function
let $apikey := fn:doc("potterapi.key")/apikey/string() return map { "characters": fn:json-doc("https://www.potterapi.com/v1/characters?key=" || $apikey), "houses": fn:json-doc("https://www.potterapi.com/v1/houses?key=" || $apikey), "spells": fn:json-doc("https://www.potterapi.com/v1/characters?key=" || $apikey) },
map { 'method' : 'json', 'indent' : true() }
or use the needed XQuery option declarations
declare namespace output = "http://www.w3.org/2010/xslt-xquery-serialization";
declare option output:method 'json';
declare option output:indent 'yes';
let $apikey := fn:doc("potterapi.key")/apikey/string() return map { "characters": fn:json-doc("https://www.potterapi.com/v1/characters?key=" || $apikey), "houses": fn:json-doc("https://www.potterapi.com/v1/houses?key=" || $apikey), "spells": fn:json-doc("https://www.potterapi.com/v1/characters?key=" || $apikey) }