Using PL/SQL, I'm looking to programmatically generate a CSV string/varchar object from a select statement. So the output of the select statement would normally be 1-n records (I only need one column). But the kicker is, I cannot use loops or any iterative process and it must be done without using external libs.
I can freely convert the data to a table or to a different data type and use more memory if needed. But I cannot explicitly use loops.
I guess I'm looking for a way to do something like this:
my_csv varchar2(4000);
select implode(my_column,',') into my_csv
from my_table
where some_column = 'some value';
dbms_output.put_line('I got my list: ' || my_csv);
Where essentially the implode would theoretically work like the PHP implode function, and the ',' comma is my separator. I can define the implode function myself, but again, I cannot explicitly use loops.
Any ideas?
If length of the result doesn't exceed 4000 characters, listagg
might help:
SQL> select listagg(ename, ',') within group (order by null) my_csv
2 from emp;
If it does (exceed 4000 characters), XMLAGG
is your choice:
SQL> select
2 rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(e, ename,',').extract('//text()') order by null).GetClobVal(),',')
3 result
4 from emp;