I have a parent component (B)
that is getting data from it's parent input (A)
have is (B)
child component.
Inside (B)
I'm having a selector that gets data from the store.
export class BComponent implements OnChanges {
@Input() branchId;
ngOnChanges() {
this.selectedDataByBranch$ = this.store.pipe(
select(selectBranchDirections, { branchId: this.branchId, dir: this.selectedDirection })
this.selectedDataByBranch$.subscribe(selectedDataByBranch => {
this.trainsDatasets = this.getDatasets(selectedDataByBranch);
this.lineChart.data.datasets = this.trainsDatasets ? this.trainsDatasets : [];
directionChanged(event) {
this.selectedDirection = event;
this.selectedDataByBranch$ = this.store.pipe(
select(selectBranchDirections, { branchId: this.branchId, dir: this.selectedDirection })
is the Output event that I get from (C)
The issue this that selectedDataByBranch
subscription is not getting the new data update triggered inside selectedDataByBranch$
I have also tried this way
directionChanged(event) {
this.selectedDirection = event;
select(selectBranchDirections, { branchId: this.branchId, dir: this.selectedDirection });
What i could suggest is. Turn your parameters into a Subject
then merge with the store selection, in your directionChanged(event)
method provide value to subject.
So your final code will be something like this:
export class BComponent implements OnChanges {
@Input() branchId;
criterias$= new Subject<{branchId:number,dir:number}>;
ngOnChanges() {
this.selectedDataByBranch$ = this.criterias$.pipe(mergeMap(criteria=> this.store.pipe(
select(selectBranchDirections, { branchId: criteria.branchId, dir: this.searchDirection})
this.selectedDataByBranch$.subscribe(selectedDataByBranch => {
this.trainsDatasets = this.getDatasets(selectedDataByBranch);
this.lineChart.data.datasets = this.trainsDatasets ? this.trainsDatasets : [];
this.criterias$.next({branchId:this.branchId,dir:this.sortDirection}); // init first call
directionChanged(event) {
this.selectedDirection = event;
this.criterias$.next({ branchId: criteria.branchId, dir: this.searchDirection}});
This stackblitz tries to materialize what i say.