Suppose I have below macro for logging
TRACE(type, sub-type, message, fmt, args);
Now I have a requirement to punch extra argument, say machine IP to this log:
#include <conio.h>
char *IP = "";
#define TRACE(type, sub-type, message, fmt, args) do{ <<<< expands to func which logs to a file >>>> }while(0)
#define NEW_TRACE(type, sub-type, message, fmt, args) do { \
TRACE (type, sub-type, message, fmt, ##args); \
} while (0)
int main()
char *w = "world!";
NEW_TRACE("my-type", "my-subtype", 2, "Hello %s", w);
return 0;
How do I write NEW_TRACE such that I punch the 'IP' into the log? Any thoughts!?
If fmt is always string literal, this should work:
#define NEW_TRACE(type, sub-type, message, fmt, args) do { \
TRACE (type, sub-type, message, "IP:%s " fmt, IP, ##args); \
} while (0)
(Disclaimer: untested)
In C++, like C, you can just concatenate string literals, "part1" "part2"
is same as "part1part2"