I'm using sap.m.List in my SAPUI5 Application. There are 90 Entries, one for each day in the last 3 Month. Looks like this:
Now I want to scroll to a specific CustomListItem, when a Button is clicked. My View is looking like this:
The Idea is that I have three Buttons for scrolling directly to an month. For example: Today, last Month, third Month. Clicking the Button directly scrolls to the first entry of that month. I just found sth. like oList.setSelectedItem(oItem, true);
which has no effect.
Someone has an idea how this can be done?
Thank you in advance.
I have made few modification and able to achieve you requirement.
<!-- Buttons -->
<Button text="Previous Month" press="scrollToPreviousMonth" class="sapUiTinyMarginEnd"/>
<Button text="Today" press="scrollToCurrentMonth" class="sapUiTinyMarginEnd"/>
<Button text="Next Month" press="scrollToNextMonth"/>
<!-- List inside scroll Container -->
<ScrollContainer id="oScrollContainer" height="405px" vertical="true">
<List id="monthList"
path: 'dataModel>/items',
sorter: { path: 'group', group: true },
groupHeaderFactory: '.getGroupHeaderMonth' }"
<CustomListItem type="Active">
<Label text="{dataModel>title}"/>
<ToolbarSpacer />
<Label text="{dataModel>day}"/>
<core:Icon width="50px" src="sap-icon://edit" />
//Setting the data
setDataToView1: function(sType) {
var oData = [
{ "title": "Jan-01", "day": "01-01-2019", "status": "often", "group": "1" },
{ "title": "Jan-02", "day": "02-01-2019", "status": "often", "group": "1" },
{ "title": "Jan-03", "day": "03-01-2019", "status": "often", "group": "1" },
{ "title": "Jan-04", "day": "04-01-2019", "status": "often", "group": "1" },
{ "title": "Feb-01", "day": "01-02-2019", "status": "often", "group": "2" },
{ "title": "Feb-02", "day": "02-02-2019", "status": "often", "group": "2" },
{ "title": "Feb-03", "day": "03-02-2019", "status": "often", "group": "2" },
{ "title": "Feb-04", "day": "04-02-2019", "status": "often", "group": "2" },
{ "title": "Mar-01", "day": "01-03-2019", "status": "often", "group": "3" },
{ "title": "Mar-02", "day": "02-03-2019", "status": "often", "group": "3" },
{ "title": "Mar-03", "day": "03-03-2019", "status": "often", "group": "3" },
{ "title": "Mar-04", "day": "04-03-2019", "status": "often", "group": "3" }
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
oModel.setData({ "items" : oData });
this.getView().setModel(oModel, "dataModel");
//setting the group header
getGroupHeaderMonth: function (oGroup) {
var oMonths = { "1" : "Jan", "2" : "Feb", "3" : "Mar", "4" : "Apr", "5" : "May", "6" : "Jun", "7" : "Jul", "8" : "Aug", "9" : "Sep", "10" : "Oct", "11" : "Nov", "12" : "Dec" };
var custClass = oMonths[oGroup.key] +"MonthHdr";
return new sap.m.GroupHeaderListItem({
title: oMonths[oGroup.key],
upperCase: false
//Navigate to previous month list item
scrollToPreviousMonth: function(){
//Navigate to current month list item
scrollToCurrentMonth: function(){
//Navigate to next month list item
scrollToNextMonth: function(){
//Helper function to scrolling to the corresponding list item
scrollToItem: function(sItem) {
var oScrollList = this.byId("oScrollContainer"),
oList = this.byId("monthList"),
sItemId = jQuery(sItem).attr("id"),
oItem = sap.ui.getCore().byId(sItemId);
oScrollList.scrollToElement(oItem, 2000);