I have written a program in the last days which automatically changes the proxy server. This runs as a Windows Forms Tray Application on the user level. Now came a request which caused me some problems. A cmd command "ipconfig /registerdns" should be executed but this requires higher permissions. I'm now looking for a way to easily execute this command in normal user context. Is there a way to run this one command as a system? Or any other possibility?
Or is there another function to re-register the dns without admin priviledge?
I hope there is a easy way.
Thank you very much!
Okay so I found no solution for my former problem, because it is not possible to launch a elevated command from a user Application. But I found a powershell command: Register-DnsClient. This command does the same and does not need elevated priviledges. Only downside is it works only on Windows 8.1 and newer. So Windows 7 is not supported.