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Access public method from another namespace in Unity

I am trying to access a public method from the ARCoreBackgroundRenderer class which is a MonoBehavior and is located in GoogleARCore namespace, in another class which is also MonoBehavior and named UIController and is located in another namespace called CompanyController. Is this possible? How can I do it?

the method I am trying to call in my second class is:

public void DisableARBackgroundRendering()
        if (m_CommandBuffer == null || m_Camera == null)

        m_Camera.clearFlags = m_CameraClearFlags;



I want to call this method in my second Class in a simple method.


  • In general it helps to refer to the according API

    ARCoreBackgroundRenderer (API Reference) as you said yourself is a class in the namespace GoogleARCore .. so import it via

    using GoogleARCore;

    or use


    as type in your code in UIController.

    using UnityEngine;
    using GoogleARCore;
    namespace CompanyController
        public class UIController : MonoBehaviour
            // Reference this via the Inspector by drag and drop 
            // [SerializeField] simply allows to serialize also private fields in Unity
            [SerializeField] private ARCoreBackgroundRenderer arRenderer;
            // Alternatively you could as said use the type like
            //[SerializeField] private GoogleARCore.ARCoreBackgroundRenderer arRenderer;
            private void Awake ()
                // As a fallback find it on the scene
                if(!arRenderer) arRenderer = FindObjectOfType<ARCoreBackgroundRenderer>();
            public void DisableARBackgroundRendering()
                // Now use any public method of the arRenderer 

    However, you can also see that the method DisableARBackgroundRendering is private and you won't be able to use it. Also m_Camera and m_CommandBuffer are both private so you won't be able to access them.

    What you can and - if you look closer into the implementation of ARBackgroundRenderer - want to do here is simply enabling and disabling the according component:

    public void EnableARBackgroundRendering(bool enable)
        arRenderer.enabled = enable;

    since internally it will take care of the rest itself and you don't need any further access to its methods, fields and properties:

    private void OnEnable()
        if (BackgroundMaterial == null)
            Debug.LogError("ArCameraBackground:: No material assigned.");
        LifecycleManager.Instance.OnSessionSetEnabled += _OnSessionSetEnabled;
        m_Camera = GetComponent<Camera>();
        m_TransitionImageTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ViewInARIcon");
        BackgroundMaterial.SetTexture("_TransitionIconTex", m_TransitionImageTexture);
        EnableARBackgroundRendering(); // AS YOU SEE IT ALREADY CALLS THIS ANYWAY
    private void OnDisable()
        LifecycleManager.Instance.OnSessionSetEnabled -= _OnSessionSetEnabled;
        m_TransitionState = BackgroundTransitionState.BlackScreen;
        m_CurrentStateElapsed = 0.0f;
        DisableARBackgroundRendering(); // AS YOU SEE IT ALREADY CALLS THIS ANYWAY