The Java 13 multi line text block facility with """
delimiters is becoming well known.
However I have a recurring need where I need entire paragraphs without the embedded newlines.
In other words, the following code snippet:
String paragraph =
aaaa bbbb cccc
dddd eeee ffff
gggg hhhh iiii
produces the following, as you'd expect:
aaaa bbbb cccc
dddd eeee ffff
gggg hhhh iiii
...which is usually tremendously useful. However in my case, for particularly large paragraphs I need it to produce this:
aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii
(....and deal with text flow later.)
Is there a way to establish a "no-newline" parameter for the triple-quote feature?
The designers of this feature realized this requirement as well (see 'New escape sequences' in JEP368). So, with the latest early access build for JDK 14 you can use a trailing \
to escape the new line at the end of a line:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String paragraph =
aaaa bbbb cccc \
dddd eeee ffff \
gggg hhhh iiii \
aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii