I have the following code and i would like to write into cassandra using spark 2.4 structured streaming foreachBatch
Dataset<Row> df = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("subscribe", "topic1")
Dataset<Row> values=df.selectExpr(
"split(value,',')[0] as field1",
"split(value,',')[1] as field2",
"split(value,',')[2] as field3",
"split(value,',')[3] as field4",
"split(value,',')[4] as field5");
//TODO write into cassandra
new VoidFunction2<Dataset<String>, Long> {
public void call(Dataset<String> dataset, Long batchId) {
// Transform and write batchDF
When you use .forEachBatch
, your code is just working as with normal datasets... In Java the code could look like as following (full source is here):
.foreachBatch((VoidFunction2<Dataset<Row>, Long>) (df, batchId) ->
.options(ImmutableMap.of("table", "sttest", "keyspace", "test"))
Update in September 2020th: support for spark structured streaming was added in the Spark Cassandra Connector 2.5.0