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Excel Conditional Formatting - Ignore rows with blank first cell

I need to compare two sheets using Conditional Formatting.

Sheet 1 looks like this:

[enter image description here

Sheet 2 looks like this:

[enter image description here

Both sheets have 7 projects (with 2 projects without Project ID’s). These projects appear in different order on both sheets, but they are essentially same projects (Projects can be identified by their Project ID AND Activity). Also, some project’s Amount changed in sheet 2.

Currently, I am using this formula to highlight projects with different Amounts on sheet 1 and 2.

  =SUMIFS(Sheet1!C:C, Sheet1!A:A, A2, Sheet1!B:B, B2)<>C2

But, as you can see, this formula will also highlight row 7 and 8. I want the formula to ignore the projects without Project IDs (doesn’t matter the amount changed or not, ignore them). But I am not sure how to do that in conditional formatting.


  • Use AND and add the condition that column A not be blank:

    =AND(SUMIFS(Sheet1!C:C, Sheet1!A:A, A2, Sheet1!B:B, B2)<>C2,A2<>"")