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Emotion - pass style object to external library

I am using reactjs-popup, and one of it's props is contentStyle, which allow you to pass css-in-js object to style an internal div in the library.

however when I pass css object with @media in it, the library doesn't deal with it.

I wonder if there is a way to tell emotion to "translate" this object, or somehow wrap the library element, so it can treat the @media query as needed.

this is a code to demonstrate:

/** @jsx jsx */
import { jsx } from '@emotion/core';
import ReactJsPopup from 'reactjs-popup';
import { FC, PropsWithChildren } from 'react';

const Modal: FC<{}> = props => {
    const style = {
        padding: 0,
        minHeight: '100%',
        '@media (min-width: 576px)': {
            minHeight: 'auto' // <----------- Doesn't work
    return (
        <ReactJsPopup contentStyle={style}>
            {(close): JSX.Element => (

export default Modal;


  • Inline style objects currently do not support media queries.

    The viable option here is to use the className prop to style the content. As the docs reads:

    this class name will be merged with the component element: ex className='foo' means foo-arrow to style arrow, foo-overlay to style overlay and foo-content to style popup content

    When using emotion, you can make sure that the selectors are unique using this property.

    import { css } from "emotion";
        &-content {
           color: red;

    Note: The & is for the random classname that is going to be added by emotion. Followed by content that is added by the library