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Rails fat model example, is this the right way of thinking?

If I have two tables in a DB User and Userinfo (split for normalisation purposes) I generate the two models User, UserInfo and use them as normal via relationships.

Later on I have section of my application that reads and writes to both, however, there is a fair amount of business logic on creating entries for example looking up other tables for conditional rules, string building etc.

Would it make sense to make a third model (a non-database-backed model) to handle all this and to create/save via the other two models? or should I keep this in the controller?

Another example could be importing a CSV file where all the data is split between different tables, separate models as used by the rest of the application. Could I use a model defining each row that handles saving the imported data via the other models. Or again should this be in the controller?

I am interested in the best practices when developing large rails applications.


  • Sounds like you're normalizing (minimizing redundancy) rather than de-normalizing.

    I don't know your application, so please take this as something to consider rather than a recommended best practice: what I typically like do in a situation like this is hide the Userinfo behind the User, so that the User is the only part of the application that even knows there is a Userinfo. This keeps things simple and consistent and DRY across the other clients of the code (controllers, other models, and you when you interact with it in the console).

    Introducing a third model might serve the same purpose, but it's also adding conceptual weight to the application.