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Testing of secured controller

I have the following controller for which I'm trying to test

class UserController(private val userService: UserService) {
    fun getPrincipal(principal: Principal): Principal = principal

My test looks as the following

class Credentials(val username: String, val password: String)

class LoginResponse(
    @JsonProperty("access_token") val accessToken: String,
    @JsonProperty("expires_in") val expiresIn: Int,
    @JsonProperty("refresh_token") val refreshToken: String,
    @JsonProperty("token_type") val tokenType: String,
    @JsonProperty("username") val username: String)

interface Client {
    fun login(@Body credentials: Credentials): LoginResponse

    fun getPrincipal(@Header authorizationHeader: String): Principal

internal class UserControllerTest {
    lateinit var authenticationConfiguration: AuthenticationConfiguration

    lateinit var client: Client

    fun getPrincipal() {
        val credentials = Credentials(authenticationConfiguration.testUserEmail, authenticationConfiguration.testUserPassword)
        val loginResponse = client.login(credentials)
        val authorizationHeader = "Authorization:Bearer ${loginResponse.accessToken}"
        val principal = client.getPrincipal(authorizationHeader)

The login works just fine. I get a bearer token and the authorizationHeader looks just fine. But the call to client.getPrincipal(authorizationHeader) fails with io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientResponseException: Unauthorized

Any clue what goes wrong?


  • It turns out that I can either declare my client as the following. By naming the argument to match the actual http header.

    interface Client {
        fun getPrincipal(@Header authorization: String): Principal

    But it's also possible letting the @Header annotation take an argument specifying which http header to target

    interface Client {
        fun getPrincipal(@Header("Authorization") authorizationValue: String): Principal