I haven't had any issues with the Google Play Store until 4-5 months ago. I've finally gotten back to it, and now all my published Internal/Alpha builds keep getting rejected.
It's a Unity game. I have not included any encryption libraries, nor do I want any Amazon libraries. But the error message says it's a problem with encryption and affects some Amazon library...
The only libraries I use are Ultimate Mobile Pro and Unity IAP...
Would anyone be able to help?
Thank you.
Security alert
Your app contains unsafe cryptographic encryption patterns. Please see this Google Help Center article for details.
Vulnerable classes:
com.amazon.insights.validate.EncryptionValidator.validate Affects APK version 12.
Unity IAP contains hooks for Amazon. See this page: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityIAP.html
Are you up-to-date with Unity IAP?