Given an array a[0..N-1]
of integers between 0 < N < 10^5
, find the size of the longest most repeated subarray in optimal time and space. I was thinking of using a HashMap to store the indexes where a number begins, and start checking for each index the possible subarrays it can form. But this seems inefficient, so I would like to hear some opinions of how I can approach this problem.
Input a = [0,1,2,1,4,1,2,1,0,5]
Expected output: Most Repeated: [1,2,1]; Size: 3
Such problems are known to have a naive approach - something that takes a lot of time and performs a brute force search for all the possible solutions.
Obviously, you are not looking for that. Whenever you are in such a situation, the answer is always Dynamic Programming. It is a fairly broad, difficult for beginners and very important in computer science. Which means, I cannot cover it in this answer.
But here is one approach on how you can solve this problem.
Since a common subarray of A and B must start at some A[i]
and B[j]
, let dp[i][j]
be the longest common prefix of A[i:]
and B[j:]
. Whenever A[i] == B[j]
, we know dp[i][j] = dp[i+1][j+1] + 1
. Also, the answer is max(dp[i][j])
over all i
, j
We can perform bottom-up dynamic programming to find the answer based on this recurrence. Our loop invariant is that the answer is already calculated correctly and stored in dp
for any larger i
, j
Hope this helps. Good luck.