I may have been searching for the wrong stuff, looking in the wrong boxes. But I can't seem to find a good way to visualize how deep my dependecy tree is in C#.
I've initially tried just hooking up on the preparing-event & the activating-event from Autofac. But I can't figure out if this is good enough. The results looks kinda funky. It seems that the preparing-event is initiated too often. And it seems that the activating event is only activated when a new object is actually created.
Our code is .NET 4.7.2 We're using Autofac as our container to handle the dependency injection.
Does anyone have a good idé for how we can visualize the depth? Maybe there exists some good code or a product out there that can help us?
Some time ago, I had a similar quest with Autofac. What I ended up with was the following:
public class DebugResolveModule : Module
private readonly ThreadLocal<ResolveInfo> _current = new ThreadLocal<ResolveInfo>();
protected override void AttachToComponentRegistration(
IComponentRegistry componentRegistry, IComponentRegistration registration)
registration.Preparing += Registration_Preparing;
registration.Activating += Registration_Activating;
base.AttachToComponentRegistration(componentRegistry, registration);
private void Registration_Preparing(object sender, PreparingEventArgs e)
_current.Value = new ResolveInfo(e.Component.Activator.LimitType, _current.Value);
private void Registration_Activating(object sender, ActivatingEventArgs<object> e)
var current = _current.Value;
_current.Value = current.Parent;
if (current.Parent == null)
$"total resolve time: {current.ResolveTime.TotalMilliseconds} ms.");
private static void VisualizeGraph(ResolveInfo node, int depth = 0)
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
Debug.Write(" ");
Debug.Write(" (");
Debug.Write(" ms. / ");
Debug.Write(" ms.)");
foreach (var dependency in node.Dependencies)
VisualizeGraph(dependency, depth + 1);
private sealed class ResolveInfo
private Stopwatch _watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
public ResolveInfo(Type componentType, ResolveInfo parent)
ComponentType = componentType;
Parent = parent;
Dependencies = new List<ResolveInfo>(4);
if (parent != null)
public Type ComponentType { get; }
// Time it took to create the type including its dependencies
public TimeSpan ResolveTime { get; private set; }
// Time it took to create the type excluding its dependencies
public TimeSpan CreationTime { get; private set; }
public ResolveInfo Parent { get; }
public List<ResolveInfo> Dependencies { get; }
public void MarkComponentAsResolved()
ResolveTime = _watch.Elapsed;
CreationTime = ResolveTime;
foreach (var dependency in this.Dependencies)
CreationTime -= dependency.ResolveTime;
_watch = null;
Do note that this does not exactly what you want, because it is a resolve trigger. This means that a SingleInstance
is only resolved once, which means the next time you request the graph, you'll be missing the singletons. This wasn't a problem for me, because I used this code to detect slow-resolving parts of the object graphs.
This code might, however, still give you some ideas of how to do this.