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add custom validation in input type text using angular material stepper

I am using angular stepper to display all my data and take input for some of the text boxes, but I want to add my custom validations when user clicks on Next button.

stackblitz - material-stepper-custom-validation


<mat-horizontal-stepper #stepper>
    <div class="m-10">
      <input type="text" id="fname" placeholder="First Name" >
      <div class="m-10">
      <input type="text" id="lname" placeholder="Last Name" >
        <button mat-button (click)="checkData()" matStepperNext>Next</button>
  <mat-step [stepControl]="secondFormGroup" [optional]="isOptional">
        <button mat-button matStepperPrevious>Back</button>
        <button mat-button matStepperNext>Next</button>      
    <ng-template matStepLabel>Done</ng-template>
    You are now done.
      <button mat-button matStepperPrevious>Back</button>
      <button mat-button (click)="stepper.reset()">Reset</button>

Here, first name and last name should be validated before go to next stepper, but not using formGroup.


import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators} from '@angular/forms';
  selector: 'stepper-optional-example',
  templateUrl: 'stepper-optional-example.html',
  styleUrls: ['stepper-optional-example.css']
export class StepperOptionalExample implements OnInit {

  constructor() {}

  ngOnInit() { }

  checkData() {    
    let lname = (<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById("fname")).value;
    if(lname == '') {
    return false;

How? - If first name is empty then don't allow them to go Next stepper.


  • Because you use the template driven approach, you will need to map all input fields into an ngModel somehow. Here is an example for it:


    <input type="text" required [(ngModel)]="" name="name">


      selector: 'stepper-optional-example',
      templateUrl: 'stepper-optional-example.html',
      styleUrls: ['stepper-optional-example.css']
    export class StepperOptionalExample implements OnInit {
      @ViewChild('stepper') stepper;
      model = {
        name: 'Initial Value'
      constructor() {}
      ngOnInit() { }

    Using that you can then, check the attribute onClick. You need to remove the matStepperNext and add the (click) event listener instead like so:


    <button mat-button (click)="onNext()">Next</button>


    onNext() {
      // Validate your value in the function
      if ( !== 'Henry') {;

    Other than that I also recommend to take a look on the official guide showing how to implement the template driven approach: