I'm using enum for :discount_type
. The enum is either percent
or price
For clarity purposes I would like to show price per day
in my simple_form for the enum price
. How can I do this?
enum discount_type: { percent: 1, price: 0 }
<%= f.input :discount_type, collection: ['percent', 'price'] %>
previous attempt
enum discount_type: { percent: 1, price_per_day: 0 }
<%= f.input :discount_type, collection: ['percent', 'price per day'] %>
error message:
==> 'price per day' is not a valid discount_type
From the docs:
The mappings are exposed through a class method with the pluralized attribute name, which returns the mapping in a HashWithIndifferentAccess...
This is a bit ugly, because of the per day
addition to price
Model.discount_types.transform_keys { |key| key == 'price' ? 'price per day' : key }.keys
# ["percent", "price per day"]
So, in your form:
<%= f.input :discount_type, collection: Model.discount_types.transform_keys { |key| key == 'price' ? 'price per day' : key }.keys %>