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Hangfire use of variables inside jobs

I know hangfire doesn't run in same context as ASP.NET and it has its own thread pool but I should use variables inside my background jobs. It's understandable because in fact, those jobs may not run on same server. This means if I execute _locked = false; (in Checker()), it will never get applied because it's running in another context. It's the same for BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => Start(bot));, if it was a recurring job (cron job), those variables I'm using inside, would always be reset on every single cron job pop up.

How do I use variables in this situation?

private UpdateSubscription _subscription;

private StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
private bool _locked = false;

public void RunStart(Bot bot)
    BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => Start(bot));

public void Start(Bot bot)

    var lastKnownKline = _client.GetKlines(bot.CryptoPair.Symbol, bot.TimeInterval.Interval, limit: 2).Data.First();
    _subscription = _socketClient.SubscribeToKlineUpdates(bot.CryptoPair.Symbol, bot.TimeInterval.Interval, async data =>
        if (data.Data.Final)
            _logger.LogError($"Final | Open time: {data.Data.OpenTime.ToLocalTime()}");

        if (lastKnownKline.OpenTime != data.Data.OpenTime)
            // Static
            _logger.LogError($"Static | Open time: {lastKnownKline.OpenTime.ToLocalTime()} | {lastKnownKline.Close}");
        else if (lastKnownKline.OpenTime == data.Data.OpenTime && lastKnownKline.Close != data.Data.Close)
            // Real time
            if (!_locked)
                _logger.LogError($"Real time | Open time: {data.Data.OpenTime.ToLocalTime()} | {data.Data.Close}");
                _locked = true;

                BackgroundJob.Schedule(() => Checker(), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

        lastKnownKline = data.Data.ToKline();

public void Checker()

    _locked = false;


  • Multiple solutions come to my mind, I will start from the simplest one.

    If you are running a Single instance then:

    1- Use a static variable:

    public static bool _locked = false;


    2- Define the whole class as Singleton in startup, so each time Hangfire tries to activate the class, it reaches to the same instance.

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    And if you are running this task on multiple instances

    Then you should store this variable to a database like Redis and change its states using the database. So the same variable can be accessed from multiple jobs.