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vba filling table range error Invalid procedure call or argument

On sheet 'Work' I have a table:

Set tbl = Work.ListObjects("CaseData")
lastWork = tbl.Range.Rows.Count

Now I am trying to fill a range within the table. I am able to do that without referring to the table this way:

Work.Range("A2:A" & lastWork) = 10

However, the following does not work:

tbl.Range("A2:A" & lastWork).Value = 10

I am getting an error: Invalid procedure call or argument. How would I fill a column within a table? And is it possible to do that referring to the column name?


  • If you want to refer to the column by name:

    tbl.ListColumns("ColumnName").DataBodyRange.Value = 10

    You can also refer to it by index:

    tbl.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.Value = 10