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Parcel does not reload changes to HTML page

I'm trying to get up and running with Parcel but I can't get a basic setup to work. I would like to serve a static HTML page that automatically reloads when it's changed.

When I go to http://localhost:1234, Parcel serves my page. If I change anything in the index.html, it does not reload... or it reloads with an empty response.


parcel: 1.12.4
npm: 6.12.1
node: v13.3.0


<!doctype html>
        <title>Tinsel town</title>

        <script src="app.js"></script>



// empty


matt$ parcel index.html --log-level 5
[13:20:42]: Server running at http://localhost:1234 
[13:20:42]: Building...
[13:20:42]: Building index.html...
[13:20:43]: Building app.js...
[13:20:43]: Built app.js...
[13:20:43]: Built index.html...
[13:20:43]: Producing bundles...
[13:20:43]: Packaging...
[13:20:43]: Building hmr-runtime.js...
[13:20:43]: Built ../../../usr/lib/node_modules/parcel-bundler/src/builtins/hmr-runtime.js...
[13:20:43]: ✨  Built in 477ms.
[13:20:49]: Building...
[13:20:49]: Producing bundles...
[13:20:49]: Packaging...
[13:20:49]: ✨  Built in 2ms.


  • Vim and how it saves files was the the issue.

    When you save in Vim it renames the file you're editing and saves the current buffer to the file location:

               +------------+       +---------------------------------+
               | index.html +------>+ ~/.cache/vim/backup/index.html~ |
               +------------+       +---------------------------------+
                                index.html is now kaput!
                  (no `MODIFY` filesystem event fired, only `DELETE`)
                            +----------+       +------------+
                            | *buffer* +------>+ index.html |
                            +----------+       +------------+
                            (`CREATE` filesystem event fired)

    This default behaviour can be changed by setting backupcopy to yes in your .vimrc:

    set backupcopy=yes " Necessary for ParcelJS to work

    This causes Vim to write directly to the file you're editing, which in turn causes a modification event to fire in the filesystem. Parcel see's this and does it's thing.