WARNING: As other have stated here, this problem is based upon an inflexible customer requirement. While the question is valid, you should definitely use the simpler solutions (ex: putting your settings in a single object) if possible!
I have an array of variables I want to be "watching out" for. That is: if they were previously defined in the code, I need to be able operate on their values.
var a = 'foo'; // only a gets defined
// ...more code here... IMPORTANT: I can only control what comes BELOW this line!
var target = 'exmple.com/?';
var gets = ['a', 'b', 'c']; // these are the names of the variables I want to check for
gets.forEach(function(element) { // checking each one
if(typeof element !== 'undefined') { // if it's previously defined
target += "&"+element+"="+eval(element); // add `&a=foo` to target
I'd like the alert to be printing example.com/?&a=foo
I've seen the tons of other answers not to use the eval
function, and I have tried window[element]
in place without success. How would it be best to do this without having to write an if/else for every variable I want to check?
Assuming you can't do otherwise and everything lives in the global scope, you could do without resorting to using eval()
. (I'm pretty sure there must be some valid use cases for eval
but I don't think this is one is one of them.)
Since you shouldn't trust the content of these variables you shouldn't be using eval
. What if your customer options get compromised? (Or simply your customer doesn't know what they're doing.)
var css_color = 'tweet(document.cookie)';
You can simply leverage the fact that the variables will be accessible from the global scope:
const serialize_options = (...vars) =>
.filter(v => typeof this[v] !== 'undefined')
.map(v => `${v}=${this[v]}`)
console.log(serialize_options('a', 'b'));
console.log(serialize_options('a', 'b', 'c'));
console.log(serialize_options('a', 'x', 'y'));
var a = '10';
var b = '20';
var c = '30';