I have a real-time database in Firebase in the following format:
I'm using javascript to fetch the data and plot it on my web browser. Problem is I can't get any data out of it. Found some codes in which they usually get one value, not a time series based data. The current fetching process I'm using is:
firebase.database().ref('edge-data').limitToLast(40).on('value', ts_measures => {
let timestamps = [];
let values = [];
ts_measures.forEach(ts_measure => {
console.log(ts_measure.val().timestamp, ts_measure.val().value);
timestamps.push(moment(ts_measure.val().timestamp).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'));
myPlotDiv = document.getElementById('myPlot');
const data = [{
x: timestamps,
y: values
My plot opens but remains empty, though it seems to recognize the dates intervals. I'm not sure the structure my real-time database has now is the best option for this, but any help within the process will be of great value.
This change in my .js file solved all:
ts_measures.forEach(ts_measure => {
timestamps.push(moment(ts_measure.val().timestamp).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'));