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Train time series models in caret by group

I have a data set like the following

foo <- data.table(group = rep(LETTERS[1:6], 150),
                  y  = rnorm(n = 6 * 150, mean = 5, sd = 2),
                  x1 = rnorm(n = 6 * 150, mean = 5, sd = 10),
                  x2 = rnorm(n = 6 * 150, mean = 25, sd = 10),
                  x3 = rnorm(n = 6 * 150, mean = 50, sd = 10),
                  x4 = rnorm(n = 6 * 150, mean = 0.5, sd = 10),
                  x5 = sample(c(1, 0), size = 6 * 150, replace = T))

foo[, period := 1:.N, by = group]

Problem: I want to forecast y one step ahead, for each group, using variables x1, ..., x5

I want to run a few models in caret to decide which I will use.

As of now, I am running it in a loop using timeslice

window.length <- 115
timecontrol   <- trainControl(method          = 'timeslice',
                            initialWindow     = window.length,
                            horizon           = 1, 
                            selectionFunction = "best",
                            fixedWindow       = TRUE, 
                            savePredictions   = 'final')

model_list <- list()
for(g in unique(foo$group)){
  for(model in c("xgbTree", "earth", "cubist")){
    dat <- foo[group == g][, c('group', 'period') := NULL]
    model_list[[g]][[model]] <- train(y ~ . - 1,
                                      data = dat,
                                      method = model, 
                                      trControl = timecontrol)


However, I would like to run all groups at the same time, using dummy variables to identify each one, like

dat <- cbind(foo,  model.matrix(~ group- 1, foo))
            y         x1       x2       x3            x4 x5 period groupA groupB groupC groupD groupE groupF
  1: 5.710250 11.9615460 22.62916 31.04790 -4.821331e-04  1      1      1      0      0      0      0      0
  2: 3.442213  8.6558983 32.41881 45.70801  3.255423e-01  1      1      0      1      0      0      0      0
  3: 3.485286  7.7295448 21.99022 56.42133  8.668391e+00  1      1      0      0      1      0      0      0
  4: 9.659601  0.9166456 30.34609 55.72661 -7.666063e+00  1      1      0      0      0      1      0      0
  5: 5.567950  3.0306864 22.07813 52.21099  5.377153e-01  1      1      0      0      0      0      1      0

But still running the time series with the correct time ordering using timeslice.

Is there a way to declare the time variable in trainControl, so my one step ahead forecast uses, in this case, six more observations for each round and droping the first 6 observations?

I can do it by ordering the data and messing with the horizon argument (given n groups, order by the time variable and put horizon = n), but this has to change if the number of groups change. And initial.window will have to be time * n_groups

timecontrol   <- trainControl(method          = 'timeslice',
                            initialWindow     = window.length * length(unique(foo$group)),
                            horizon           = length(unique(foo$group)), 
                            selectionFunction = "best",
                            fixedWindow       = TRUE, 
                            savePredictions   = 'final')

Is there any ohter way?


  • I think the answer you are looking for is actually quite simple. You can use the skip argument to trainControl() to skip the desired number of observations after each train/test set. In this way, you only predict each group-period once, the same period is never split between the training group and testing group, and there is no information leakage.

    Using the example you provided, if you set skip = 6 and horizon = 6 (the number of groups), and initialWindow = 115, then the first test set will include all groups for period 116, the next test set will include all groups for period 117, and so on.

    foo <- tibble(group = rep(LETTERS[1:6], 150),
                      y  = rnorm(n = 6 * 150, mean = 5, sd = 2),
                      x1 = rnorm(n = 6 * 150, mean = 5, sd = 10),
                      x2 = rnorm(n = 6 * 150, mean = 25, sd = 10),
                      x3 = rnorm(n = 6 * 150, mean = 50, sd = 10),
                      x4 = rnorm(n = 6 * 150, mean = 0.5, sd = 10),
                      x5 = sample(c(1, 0), size = 6 * 150, replace = T)) %>% 
      group_by(group) %>% 
      mutate(period = row_number()) %>% 
    dat <- cbind(foo,  model.matrix(~ group- 1, foo)) %>% 
    window.length <- 115
    timecontrol   <- trainControl(
      method            = 'timeslice',
      initialWindow     = window.length * length(unique(foo$group)),
      horizon           = length(unique(foo$group)),
      skip              = length(unique(foo$group)),
      selectionFunction = "best",
      fixedWindow       = TRUE,
      savePredictions   = 'final'
    model_names <- c("xgbTree", "earth", "cubist")
    fits <- map(model_names,
                ~ train(
                  y ~ . - 1,
                  data = dat,
                  method = .x,
                  trControl = timecontrol
                )) %>% 