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Smack XMPP Java: How to access the original XML reprsentation of a ByteStreamRequest (OPEN)?

I need to access the original XML representation of a byte stream initialisation, since I need to communicate with a custom implementation. The toXML method just rebuilds the XMLStructur.

I already tried to implement a custom debugger with a subscribe implementation, but the StreamElement does also not contain the original sent XML data.


  • Solved by implementing a subscribe debugger which can forward raw XML logs to a listener. Example:

    public class SubscribeDebugger extends SmackDebugger {

    private static List<IncomingRequestDebugListener> incomingRequestDebugListeners = new ArrayList<>();
    private static List<OutgoingRequestDebugListener> outgoingRequestDebugListeners = new ArrayList<>();
    private static Boolean enableOutputToConsole;
    private static SmackDebugger consoleDebugger;
    private ReaderListener readerListener;
    private WriterListener writerListener;
    private ObservableWriter writer;
    private ObservableReader reader;
    public SubscribeDebugger(XMPPConnection connection) {
        if (this.getEnableOutputToConsole()) {
            consoleDebugger = new ConsoleDebugger(connection);
        readerListener = str -> notifyIncomingRequestDebugListeners(str.toString());
        writerListener = str -> notifyOutgoingRequestDebugListeners(str.toString());
    public Boolean getEnableOutputToConsole() { return enableOutputToConsole; }
    public static void setEnableOutputToConsole(Boolean active) {
        enableOutputToConsole = active;
    /*Static part since a debugger will be initiated by xmpp connection. Smack does not
      provide access on the debugger instances. All instances share the listeners.*/
    public static void registerIncomingRequestDebugListener (IncomingRequestDebugListener listener) {
    public static void unregisterIncomingRequestDebugListener(IncomingRequestDebugListener listener) {
    public static void registerOutgoingRequestDebugListener (OutgoingRequestDebugListener listener) {
    public static void unregisterOutgoingRequestDebugListener(OutgoingRequestDebugListener listener) {
    protected void notifyIncomingRequestDebugListeners (String streamElement) {
        incomingRequestDebugListeners.parallelStream().forEach((listener) -> {
    protected void notifyOutgoingRequestDebugListeners (String streamElement) {
        outgoingRequestDebugListeners.parallelStream().forEach((listener) -> {
    public void userHasLogged(EntityFullJid user) {
    public Reader newConnectionReader(Reader reader) {
        ObservableReader debugReader = new ObservableReader(reader);
        reader = debugReader;
        if (enableOutputToConsole && consoleDebugger != null)
            return consoleDebugger.newConnectionReader(reader);
        return reader;
    public Writer newConnectionWriter(Writer writer) {
        if(enableOutputToConsole && consoleDebugger != null)
            return consoleDebugger.newConnectionWriter(writer);
        return writer;
    public void onIncomingStreamElement(TopLevelStreamElement streamElement) {
        if(enableOutputToConsole && consoleDebugger != null)
    public void onOutgoingStreamElement(TopLevelStreamElement streamElement) {
        if (enableOutputToConsole && consoleDebugger != null)
