I have a very basic question. Imagine one has a simple udp client, which is listening to incoming datagrams. Those datagrams are just byte[], but they may contain complex information, like Strings, ints and so on.
Is there any elegant way of decoding the datagram like using a struct defining the datagram content and a union in C, instead of working through the received byte[] step by step with e.g. a ByteBuffer?
Okay trying FlatBuffers now. I can build a testproject to play around a little. The first test I wanted to perform was to parse the simplest possible thing. Just one short (int16). I'm using this .fbs scheme
// Example IDL file for our monster's schema.
namespace UDPdatagram;
table DatContent {
root_type DatContent;
The minimal code I' trying to run is the following:
package controllingFXML
import UDPdatagram.DatContent
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
fun main() {
// use a short (16 byte int, i.e. 2 byte)
val byteArray = ByteArray(2)
// the test number
val testShort: Short = 67
println("TEST SHORT: $testShort")
// allocate a byte buffer and add the test short
val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(byteArray.size)
// reset the position and verify its content
val buffShort = buffer.short
println("BUFFER SHORT: $buffShort")
// reset the position of the buffer again and try to use flatbuffers
val content = DatContent.getRootAsDatContent(buffer)
println("PARSED CONTENT: ${content.id()}")
Unfortunately I always get the following, when running the code:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
at java.base/java.nio.Buffer.checkIndex(Buffer.java:688)
at java.base/java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.getInt(HeapByteBuffer.java:392)
at UDPdatagram.DatContent.getRootAsDatContent(DatContent.java:14)
at UDPdatagram.DatContent.getRootAsDatContent(DatContent.java:13)
at controllingFXML.AsdfKt.main(asdf.kt:25)
at controllingFXML.AsdfKt.main(asdf.kt)
I'm totally lost. What am I missing here?
Either (i) ByteBuffer or (ii) DataInputStream wrapped around a ByteArrayInputStream, in both cases wrapped around the byte array. Or use DatagramSocketChannel directly with a ByteBuffer. – user207421