Im injecting some Javascript that creates an isolated div located at the top of the body. Within this div there is a shadowDom element. The reason I went with shadowDom is because I thought it stoped CSS from bleeding in to all the divs within the shadowDom. But I can clearly see that it is inheriting style from the tag(font-size: 62.5%;). This is causing my text to be smaller. I can override this with adding font-size: 100% !Important but even though it crosses it out in the inspector tools it does not actually change. The only way I can get it to work is by unchecking the box in the CSS portion.
Please Help
Dev Joe
You should not use a relative font size (like 100%
) because it applies to inherited size... so this will have no effect.
Insead, you should define a rule to the :host
CSS peudo-class:
:host {
font-size: initial ;
NB: You'll need to add !important
only if the font-size
defined in the container (the main document) applies to the host element directly.
NB #2: You can use all: initial
instead but you cannot combine it with !important
host.attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } )
.innerHTML = `
:host { all: initial }
Inside Shadow Root <br>
<div>Div in Shadow DOM</div>
body { font-size : 62.5% ; color: red }
Small Font
<div>Div in main Document</div>
<div id=host>Light DOM</div>