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How to override the naming of on_failure screenshots?

Unfortunately due to using cucumber and writing out scenarios I end up with incredibly long file names which windows complains about. Is it possible to override the naming for the files?


  • I'm assuming you're using the Nightwatch framework since you've tagged it in your post.

    It looks like screenshot filenames are defined in nightwatch/lib/api/client-commands/end.js at line 26 of the latest repo const prefix = '${this.api.currentTest.module}/${}';.

    The screenshot path is defined in your nightwatch.json:

      "test_settings" : {
        "default" : {
          "screenshots" : {
            "enabled" : true,
            "on_failure" : true,
            "path" : "./screens"

    It appears your have a few options:

    1. Modify the code in end.js to use a custom naming scheme, and live with a custom framework
    2. Shorten your test module names or test names
    3. Shorten your screenshot destination path in nightwatch.json - unlikely to solve anything since you're saying it's the filenames that are the problem.