So I have many tables in a db and I want to add two new columns for them. For example, I have the columns "created_at" and "modified_at" and I want to create the columns "client_created_at" and "client_modified_at" and at the same time populate these new columns with the values of "created_at" and "modified_at" of each table.
I imagine and have tried something like this:
ALTER TABLE patients, folders, auscultations, auscultations_notes, folder_ausc_association
ADD COLUMN client_created_at bigint, client_modified_at bigint;
UPDATE patients, folders, auscultations, auscultations_notes, folder_ausc_association
SET client_created_at = created_at, client_modified_at = modified_at
I'm not sure about how to structure it, any help would be appreciated!
In addition to the solution from Laurenz Albe, you could create an anonymous code block
to do this job. Such a query can be very handy when you have many tables and don't want to create one statement per table.
DO $$
row record;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public'
EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE public.' || quote_ident(row.tablename) || ' ADD COLUMN client_created_at bigint, ADD COLUMN client_modified_at bigint;';
EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' || quote_ident(row.tablename) || ' SET client_created_at = created_at, client_modified_at = modified_at;';
Note: This code block adds the columns you want into all tables in the schema public
- use it with care! You can adapt it to the tables you need by changing this query in the block:
SELECT * FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public'