Why has this particular component been deprecated? Is Java moving away from supporting mapped memory? We have a special use case where this would be nice to have, two applications that should never have been uncoupled and are currently communicating via REST which causes a great deal of latency. The data is basically big blobs of binary serial data, so to wrap REST around it we first need to encode it and package it in an object, then unmarshal it on the other side and unencode it.
The other options are to use netty (incurs a bit more latency than mapped memory due to TCP/IP), named pipes (not natively supported by Java so need to wrap it in C), or spend the time to rewrite this as one application.
was deprecated in 2.x and removed in Camel 3.0. It was removed, because the developers of the library Chronicle-Engine, which was used by camel-chronicle
component, decided to move into private repository. It is now commercial, licensed and closed-source product, which is not compatible with Apache 2 licence.
There was two options:
We have decided to remove this component in this vote: https://camel.465427.n5.nabble.com/Should-we-deprecate-camel-chronicle-td5829082.html