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Prevent git from failing on filesystems without chmod permissions in Linux

I am trying to initialize a git repro on a samba mount with very limited permissions.

Trying to init I will receive:

$ git init .
error: chmod on /mnt/server/subfolder/.git/config.lock failed: Operation not permitted
fatal: could not set 'core.filemode' to 'false'

Which is surprising as filemode is already globally set to false

$ git config --get core.filemode

The Problem in general is that /mnt/server is a samba mount to a folder to which I have very limited access. Also I am not able to change any permission for the /mnt/server mount as I am working on shared server with on which several users need the access to the /mnt/server mount. So changing mounting permission like suggested here is not an option.

Also creating a symlink like suggested here does not work, as symlinks are not enabled on the samba drive.

So the question is how to prevent git from failing a chmod error or prevent it from doing chmod at all? Is this possible? Or how do I init a git in the environment?


  • A bit hacky solution is:

    Init the an empty repro at destiantion with sufficient permission i.e. mktemp -d.

    $ tempdir = $(mktemp -d)
    $ git init $tempdir
    Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/tmp.pREa198fnx/.git/

    Move the created .git folder to target destination.

    $ mv $tempdir/.git /srv/server/sub/
    mv: preserving times for './.git/branches': Operation not permitted
    mv: preserving permissions for ‘./.git/branches’: Operation not permitted
    mv: preserving times for './.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample': Operation not permitted
    mv: preserving permissions for ‘./.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample’: Operation not permitted
    mv: preserving times for './.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample': Operation not permitted

    There will some error during moving but it won't stop mv from moving the files.

    In the end the git works as expected:

    $ echo "Foo" > bar.txt
    $ git add bar.txt
    $ git commit -m "Added Foobar"
    [master (root-commit) e232039] bar.txt
     1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
     create mode 100755 bar.txt
    $ git status
    On branch master
    nothing to commit, working tree clean

    branch and checkout seems to work to, didn't test push/pull.

    Would still appreciate a cleaner solution.