I just came across this gem when looking up some Uint8Array
Length property whose value is 3.
I tried it and it is true!
What? Why does this exist?!
For functions, the length property is how many parameters are in its argument list. For the Uint8Array constructor, that number is 3.
function example2 (a, b) {}
function example3 (a, b, c) {}
Regardless of the length property, any function can be passed any number of arguments, and the function can use or ignore all of them. So the length is just a hint about how many are likely to be used.
// This function doesn't list any arguments, so it's length is 0
function example () {
// ...but it uses 2 anyway.
console.log(arguments[0], arguments[1])
// .. and i can pass in more than 2, useless though it is.
example('first', 'second', 'third');