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How to filter tag values in template variable of Grafana?

all. I'm new to Grafana and I want to get only tag values what I want. For example,

enter image description here

As you can see,"23" is a value of tags, I just want to get template variable by "23".

enter image description here

But now I get so many template variables so that every time I have to seek it for long time.

I'd like to get some tags like "23" rather than seek it from all tags. Thank you very much for your support.


  • Unfortunately you cannot use "IN" when filtering TAGs youll need to do something like this (i.e only show 23 and 24)

    Your query should be SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY "measurementPoint" where ("measurementPoint" = '23') or ("measurementPoint" = '24')

    Ofcourse if you know its only going to be 23 or something else you could just use static variables or have i misunderstood your question ?