Grafana y axis starting at random value (non zero) when query is filtered by threshold i.e instance vector filtered by scalar value. Grafana OSS version 9.1.8
E.g I want to see cpu utilisation more than 70%. So I use query like this
(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{...}/kube_pod_container_resource_requests{...}) > ${CPU_THRESHOLD}
The graph y-axis now starts at random value as below, despite using soft min, soft max
Despite playing with settings we have noticed the UI settings are not saved properly in panel json (when changes are done in UI panel->axis->soft min). These values are different from what we provide in UI (we gave 0 for softmin but saw "axisSoftMin": 0.1
in panel json (see attachment below)
So modified this value to 0 and applied the json and it worked well for us. So we explicitly mentioned below values in panel json.
"axisSoftMax": 1,
"axisSoftMin": 0