Search code examples

Simple Inner Join for comparing two values in table

I'm currently stuck at figuring out what could be considered a rather basic and common inner join problem:

I have two tables orders and locations:


| foreign_from_id      | foreign_to_id     |    same_triade    |
|          US          |        MX         |                   |
|          US          |        DE         |                   |


|       foreign_id     |       triade      |
|          US          |         AME       |
|          MX          |         AME       |
|          DE          |         EU        |

My code is supposed to check if the foreign_from_id and the foreign_to_id is in the same triade and return a 1 or 0 in same_triade. Helping me figuring out this one would help me solve a lot of my SQL problems.

Thanks in advance!


  • Starting from @PeterHe's query I wrote this:

    UPDATE orders
    INNER JOIN locations fl ON orders.foreign_from_id=fl.foreign_id 
    INNER JOIN locations tl ON orders.foreign_to_id=tl.foreign_id 
    SET orders.same_triade = (CASE WHEN fl.triade=tl.triade THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
