I do have the following situation:
with the agent "Worker"
is replicated on three domino server: DominoServer1
, DominoServer2
, DominoServer3
Lotus Notes Connector
im able to establish a connections over IIOP
to the Notes Database "ScheduledJobs.nsf"
on DominoServer1
. This connections is static configured."Worker"
on the Notes Database "ScheduledJobs.nsf"
on DominoServer1
over Javascript
.What I would like to do is this:
Sometimes, depending on the situation, I would like to run the Agent "Worker" from the replica. For example I would like to run the agent "Worker" on DominoServer2
or DominoServer3
Due to the connection to the Notes Database over IIOP
is static, im always connecting to the database "ScheduledJobs.nsf"
on the DominoServer1
Am I able to run the agent "Worker"
after this IIOP
connection on the replica?
My code for "RunWorkerOn2"
Dim agent As NotesAgent
Dim sess As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim item As NotesItem
Set db = sess.CurrentDatabase
Set agent = sess.CurrentAgent
Call db.Open( "DominoServer2/ORGANIZATION", "ScheduledJobs.nsf" )
Set agent = db.GetAgent("Worker")
// Reason why im using 'run' insted of RunOnServer:
// https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1LO42549
If agent.Run() = 0 Then
Print "FAILED"
End If
You can do this indireclty.
In the ScheduledJobs database that contains "Worker", add two new agents: "RunWorkerOn2" and "RunWorkerOn3".
In the code of the RunWorkerOn2 agent, add code to open ScheduledJobs.nsf on DominoServer2 and use NotesDatabase.GetAgent("Worker"). Then call NotesAgent.RunOnServer to run Worker on Dominoserver2.
Similarly, in the code of the RunWorkerOn3 agent, open ScheduledJobs.nsf on DominoServer3 and use NotesDatabas.GetAgent("Worker"). Then call NotesAgent.RunOnserver to run Worker on DominoServer3.
So this way, your connector still connects to DominoServer1, and it runs all of its agaengs on DominoServer1, but those agents in turn will run agents on DominoServer2 and DominoServer3.