I am learning Svelte by converting my existing (proof concept) Chess Custom Element/WebComponent.
One objective is to highlight the squares a dragging Chesspiece can move to
In my Custom Element it is fairly easy with a Stylesheet (inside Board shadowDOM !!! )
<style id="moveFromSquare"></style>
Then a mousenter on a square creates the CSS with the correct squarename
(for screenshot: local variables at='D5'
and piece='black-knight'
let squareMouseEnter = () => {
? `div[at= "{at}" ]{
box-shadow: inset 0 0 var(--boxshadow-size) var(--boxshadow-color);
div[defenders*= "{at}" ]{
box-shadow: inset 0 0 var(--boxshadow-size) var(--boxshadow-color);
: ''
No need for looping over previous squares to clean classnames,
No need for looping over squares again to set classnames
Everything is a Svelte object: Board, Square, Piece (inside Square)
There can be multiple Boards on a page,
since there is no shadowDOM, to apply my CSS approach:
className for one Board (what is the easier way?) <STYLE>
element for every board using the svelte-xxxxx
className everywere requiredBut I wonder if there is a more (reactive) Svelte way of creating this?
What I got (for now) is creating the dynamic CSS in a (Svelte) DIV (Childnode of the Board) than transferring it to the Components STYLE element:
import {afterUpdate} from 'svelte';
let DynamicStyleDIV;
let parentClass;
let square='D3';//todo handle dynamic update
let CSS = x => `{${x}}`;
parentClass = DynamicStyleDIV.parentNode.className;
let selector = DynamicStyleDIV.className+'-style';
setTimeout(() => document.getElementById(selector).innerHTML = DynamicStyleDIV.innerHTML);
<div bind:this={DynamicStyleDIV} hidden>
.{parentClass} div[at="{square}"][at="{square}"]{CSS('background:gold')}
div{/*required because an empty style element is ignored*/}
Where styles are <style>
elements in the document, and not rules in bundle.css